Lost Cities Keeper Wiki
Lost Cities Keeper Wiki

Hello book Characters and humans from the Fairy Tale Thread! If you are a book character and not a member, then you should totally join! There is a place in the club waiting for you. If you are a human... I'll leave it up to you and @TheRealSabrinaGrimm. @TheRealSabrinaGrimm started a Fairy Tale Thread for book characters and some humans to join. If you would like to join just... Ask her! I am not advertising for her, I simply am writing about what is new in my life and what is making me happy. I don't know if Sabrina will see this, but if she does, she's welcome on my profile anytime! I've only said a few things to her, but she is one of the nicest people on this website and the first to reach out to me! Thanks Sabrina! 😇💖
