Technopathy is the ability that allows one to naturally understand technology and the functioning of different parts of technology. Technopaths can create and understand gadgets easily. It's said that they can sense the mechanisms of an object and manipulate it as a result. It has also been said that they have a "strange language" which they use to "speak" to gadgets. It's not literally speaking to the gadgets, it's more of jargon that they use to name the parts they're using at the moment.
A Technopath naturally knows how to break into/hack technology and create technology much faster than usual elves/humans do.
Known Technopaths[]
Dex Dizznee[]
Dex found out he was a technopath near the end of Keeper of the Lost Cities at first disregarding it as a "lame ability". Over the period of the next four books, he has become an extremely skilled technopath. Some people have even said that he is one of the best technopaths they have ever seen. Mr. Forkle later confirms that he excels in the creative department of technopathy, rather than the traditional things. His natural ability first came into focus when he was asked to build an ability restrictor for Sophie.
Lady Iskra[]
Lady Iskra is Dex's mentor in Technopathy. She invented almost all of the elves' modern technology: Spyballs, obscurers, nexuses, etc.
Tinker is the Black Swan's technopath. She is extremely skilled. Some of the things she's made include her pet projects and press-on fingernails to hide Sophie Foster's enhancing ability.
The Neverseen's Technopath[]
The identity of this person has never been revealed but they built the Lodestar symbol device and scrambled Alvar's registry pendant. The Technopath also was said to have made the fake caches.
Examples Of Technopathy[]
- Dex makes Sophie's human iPod solar-powered and makes it so the device is able to get a signal from the nearest human city and anywhere in the Lost Cities - which is very far away.
- Dex creates an ability restricting circlet on the Council's orders to keep Sophie from using her abilities.
- When Sophie and Dex were in Paris during Keeper of the Lost Cities, Dex "asks an ATM for money", and the machine just gives him a couple thousand-dollar bills. He hacked it before even knowing he was a Technopath, showcasing the powers of technopaths.
- In Flashback, when Sophie and Dex walk into Tinker's building they are met with robotic animals, for example, a clockwork rabbit that Dex examines. Tinker calls them her "pet projects."
- Dex makes Sophie crush-cuffs that hide her enhancing ability.
- Dex creates Sophie's Sucker Punch to make her punches stronger in order to defend herself.
- Tinker gives Sophie an Ionic Booster to boost her left-hand strength so that she could train after being injured in Flashback.