Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki
Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki

The Nobility is a higher social class of elves who hold power and influence in the Lost Cities. Ruling the Lost Cities is a daunting responsibility for a small number of people; as a result, the Council created the Nobility to share parts of their workload - which is why special abilities are required for any noble position. Graduation from Foxfire Academy is also mandatory, as is making an oath of obedience and loyalty to the Council.

Members of the Nobility most commonly bear the title of Lord or Lady (though certain appointments come with the titles of Sir, Dame, Magnate or Master). And only nobles can enter the Seat of Eminence in Eternalia. They also wear capes to signify their position, and it's customary for others to bow or curtsy when greeting them - though only some members of the Nobility insist on such formalities. Many prefer to keep social interactions more casual.

The most commonly held positions are Mentors, Regents, and Emissaries, each of which comes with different responsibilities. Nobles can choose to resign from their positions anytime they wish, but few ever do. As completion of the elite levels at Foxfire is a requirement for appointment, noble assignments have always been held by adults until the creation of Team Valiant (an all-teen/early adult group of Regents).

Nobility Requirements[]

To be a member of the nobility, you have to fulfil the following requirements:



Nobility members have many jobs and levels. Here is a list of known nobility jobs.

  • Councillor: The most powerful members of the Nobility, Councillors make up the Council. They make important decisions for the elves and their allies. Councillors are not allowed to have romantic connections or children so as not to be influenced.
  • Emissary: These are agents of the Council. They are sent on special missions as representatives or to gather information for the Council.
  • Regent: Lower rank than Emissary.
  • Probe: Telepath that searches minds.
  • Keeper: A Telepath that holds many secrets for the Council (or other groups) so it could not be lost.
  • Mentor: It was mentioned that each class is taught one-on-one by a member of the Nobility.

There may be other Nobility jobs/positions that are not mentioned in the books.


There are many members of the nobility. Here is a list of known members of the nobility:

Name Ability Noble Job Status
Alina Beguiler Councillor Active
Alden Vacker Telepath Emissary Active
Biana Vacker Vanisher Regent Active
Bronte Inflictor Councillor Active
Bubu Unknown Mentor Active
Cassius Sencen Empath Emissary Active
Clarette Flasher
Councillor Active
Darek Phaser Councillor Active
Della Vacker Vanisher Emissary Active
Dex Dizznee Technopath Regent Active
Edaline Ruewen Conjurer N/A N/A
Emery Telepath Councillor Active
Fallon Vacker Unknown Councillor Retired
Fintan Pyren Pyrokinetic Councillor Retired
Grady Ruewen Mesmer Emissary Active
Juline Dizznee Froster N/A N/A
Kenric Telepath Councillor Deceased
Liora Conjurer Councillor Active
Noland Vociferator Councillor Active
Oralie Empath Councillor Active
Prentice Endal Telepath N/A N/A
Ramira Vanisher Councillor Active
Sophie Foster Telepath, Polyglot, Inflictor, Teleporter, Enhancer Regent Active
Stina Heks Empath Regent Active
Terik Descryer Councillor Active
Tiergan Telepath Mentor Active/Formerly retired
Velia Guster Councillor Active
Wylie Endal Flasher Regent Active
Zarina Charger Councillor Active
Zillah Shade Mentor Active
Quinlin Sonden Telepath Probe Active


“That’s why the nobility exists—to provide the Councillors with reliable people who can assist them with the projects they either don’t have time for or that require special skills. The title just provides you the clearance to access classified secrets and the authority to act on the Council’s behalf.”

Grady Ruewen, in Book 8: Legacy, page(s) 126, Hardcover