- 221B Baker Street Code
- Abilities
- Ability Detecting
- Ability Pins
- Ability Restrictor
- Abrasion Persuasion
- Absolutely Auburn
- Achey-Break
- Achromian
- Addler
- Adel
- Administration
- Aethrial
- Agriculture
- Alabestrine
- Albertosaurus
- Alchemy
- Alden Dedrick Vacker
- Alden and Alina
- Alden and Della
- Alden and Della's Bedroom
- Alden and Quinlin
- Alenon River
- Alicorns
- Alkahest
- Alluveterre
- Alvar's Apartment
- Alvar Soren Vacker
- Alvar Soren Vacker/Gallery
- Alvar and Ruy
- Amarallitine
- Amaranthis
- Amazing Flying Foster Routine
- Ambi Hemisphere
- Amisi
- Amnesty
- Amoebas
- Amy Rose Foster
- An Insider's Guide to Pyrokinesis
- Ana Marija
- Ancients
- Apatosaurs
- Appetite Suppression
- Aquello
- Arch of Dividing
- Archetype
- Argentavis
- Argento
- Armorgate
- Aromark
- Arthropleura
- Atlantis
- Atmospheric Stabilizer
- Audric
- Aurenflare
- Auriferria
- Aurification
- Awesomesauce
- Azulejo
- Babblos
- Bad Match
- Balefire
- Banshees
- Barth the Reaper
- Base Quest
- Beacon
- Beguiler
- Behnam Aria
- Ben Affleck
- Benesh Vacker
- Bennu
- Bethany Lopez
- Bex Dizznee
- Biana Amberly Vacker
- Biana Amberly Vacker/Gallery
- Biana and Dex
- Biana and Jensi
- Biana and Linh
- Biana and Maruca
- Biana and Tam
- Bilepods
- Bitey
- Black Swan
- Black Swan's Cipher Runes
- Blackwater Bay
- Blinking
- Blister Blast
- Blitzenberry Muffins
- Bludgeblot
- Blue Eyes
- Blur
- Bo and Ro
- Body Temperature Regulation
- Body Warmer
- Bodyguards
- Boo Boo
- Boobrie Dude
- Boobries
- Book 10: Unknown
- Book 1: Keeper of the Lost Cities
- Book 2: Exile
- Book 3: Everblaze
- Book 4: Neverseen
- Book 5: Lodestar
- Book 6: Nightfall
- Book 7: Flashback
- Book 8.5: Unlocked
- Book 8.5: Unlocked/Gallery
- Book 8.5: Unlocked/Keefe's Memories
- Book 8: Legacy
- Book 9.5: Unraveled
- Book 9: Stellarlune
- Bosk Gorge
- Botros
- Brackendale
- Brain Push
- Brant Alger
- Brant and Jolie
- Brattails
- Breath Control
- Brielle
- Brier
- Brisa
- Broken Mind
- Brown-Eye Solidari-Tea
- Brown Eyes
- Bruise Cruise
- Brumevale
- Bucollosisia
- Buff Stuff
- Bugbears
- Bullhorn
- Bun-Bun
- Bunhead
- Burning of Eternalia
- Burp Blaster
- Butterblasts
- Caches
- Cad and Ro
- Cadfael
- Cadoc
- Calla
- Calla/Gallery
- Callowberries
- Candesia
- Candleshade
- Capes
- Caprise Redek
- Celestial Festival
- Celina Frenn
- Ceri
- Channeling
- Charger
- Chasers
- Chebota
- Cheeky
- Chief Mentalist
- Choralmere
- Chrissa Barton
- Cimmerian
- Cinnacreme
- Circlet
- Clarifava
- Claws, Wings, Horns and Things
- Cliffside
- Coach Bora
- Coach Rohana
- Coach Wilda
- Cobretola
- Cockatrice
- Cognate Inquisition
- Cognate Rings
- Cognates
- Coiffe
- Conjurer
- Conservatory
- Core Energy
- Core of Verity
- Councillor Alina
- Councillor Bronte
- Councillor Clarette
- Councillor Darek
- Councillor Emery
- Councillor Kenric Elgar Fathdon
- Councillor Liora
- Councillor Noland
- Councillor Oralie
- Councillor Ramira
- Councillor Terik
- Councillor Velia
- Councillor Zarina
- Councillors
- Councillors' Bodyguards
- Countdown Exercise
- Courtney Godbey
- Cravettels
- Crooked Forest
- Crunchtastics
- Crush Cuffs
- Crystal Powder
- Curdleroots
- Curly-Dew
- Custard Bursts
- Customs
- Cyrah, Prentice, and Tiergan
- Cyrah Endal
- DNA Strip
- Damel Kafuta
- Darkness Vision
- Dawnheath
- Dawnlings
- Dead Drops
- Dedra
- Deducter
- Della Adara Vacker
- Della and Livvy
- Dempsey
- Descryer
- Detention
- Dex, Fitz, and Keefe
- Dex, Tam, and Keefe
- Dex and Fitz
- Dex and Keefe
- Dex and Linh
- Dex and Marella
- Dex and Stina
- Dexter Alvin Dizznee
- Dexter Alvin Dizznee/Gallery
- Dimmetines
- Dinosaurs
- Dire Wolves
- Dizznee
- Dragons
- Drakostomes
- Dreamlilies
- Drooly Boys
- Drooly Dew
- Durand Redek
- Duskitine
- Dwarven Music
- Dwarves
- E.L. Fudges
- Earth
- Echoes
- Eckodons
- Edaline Kelia Ruewen
- Edaline Ruewen's Office
- Edible Lip Gloss
- Edit Requests
- Effluxers
- Eleanor Olivia Wright
- Elementalism
- Elementine
- Elements
- Elf-Ogre Treaty
- Elidyr
- Elite Dedication
- Elite Levels
- Elixirs
- Ella
- Elves
- Elvin Clothing
- Elvin Crutches
- Elvin Currency
- Elvin Earrings
- Elvin Flora
- Elvin Food
- Elvin History
- Elvin Home
- Elvin Inventions
- Elvin Life Spans
- Elvin Music
- Elvin Runes
- Elwin Heslege
- Elysian
- Elysian (Island)
- Emissaries
- Emma Iris Foster
- Emotional Support Stuffed Animals
- Empath
- Empress Pernille
- Endal
- Enhancer
- Enhancing Blocker
- Enlightened Language
- Entrance to Exile
- Ermete
- Errol Loki Forkle (disambiguation)
- Esha Aria
- Essenseal
- Eternalia
- Eternalia Library
- Ethan Benedict Wright II
- Ethertine
- Ethreium
- Eurypterid
- Eurypterid Races
- Evader
- Eventide River
- Everblaze
- Everglen
- Exile
- Exillium
- Fade Fuel
- Fading
- Fallon Vacker
- Family Crest Pins
- Fart a la Carte
- Fathomlethe
- Felia Hanakata
- Fernan Babblos
- Finals
- Fintan Pyren
- Fire
- Fire-Resistant Clothes
- Fire Emulator
- Fitz Short Story
- Fitz and Linh
- Fitz and Tam
- Fitzroy Avery Vacker
- Fitzroy Avery Vacker/Gallery
- Fizzleberry Wine
- Fizzlers
- Flareadon
- Flasher
- Flavored Air
- Flickerwings
- Floof
- Flori
- Fluctuator
- Fluffcreams
- Fluffy
- Fluttermont
- Follow The Pretty Bird Across The Sky
- Forbidden Cities
- Forgotten Secrets
- Forkle and Tiergan
- Foster (Freeman) Family
- Foster Foot Energy Triumph
- Four Seasons Tree
- Foxfire
- Foxfire (fungus)
- Foxfire Entrance Exam
- Foxfire Principal