Lost Cities Keeper Wiki
Lost Cities Keeper Wiki
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In chapter 71, as a gift, Keefe gives Sophie two paintings (done by himself), because he notices she doesn't have many personal items in her room. The first painting is a picture of Edaline, Sophie, and Grady together, with Jolie's wanderling in the background, looking like a true family.

The second painting, however, is of the main characters of KOTLC standing in front of Panakes tree (Calla) at Havenfield. Although the tree is depicted as pink in one of Shannon Messenger's illustrations, in this the tree is a purple-blue because it can change colors. From left to right it goes Dex, Biana, Fitz, Sophie, Keefe, Tam, Linh, Wylie. In the chapter it is stated that Keefe paints the way he interprets them, and it acts as an explanation for why he is painted next to Sophie.

On the back of the paintings he writes 'family' in the black Swan's rune.

These two pictures of art were actually done by Laura Hollingsworth (who also drew the other official portraits).

Observations (Painting 2)

Note: Keefe paints it the way he interprets it.

  • Fitz, Keefe, and Sophie are in hero poses.
  • Linh looks nervous
  • Biana is the most dressed up
  • If you put the clan in two's from left to right on the picture, you see some of the possible pairings. Dex and Biana, Keefe and Sophie, Fitz and Sophie, Linh and Wylie (not an even number).
  • Fitz's hair is neat and gelled while Keefe's is messy, as he likes it.