Elvin Clothing is very different compared to the clothing humans choose to wear. What outfit you wear can vary drastically depending on the occasion.
Typical Clothing[]
Females can wear gowns, but they don't have to. Most females choose to wear tunics and leggings for daily wear.
Males wear tunics and pants with pockets at the ankles (so they don't sit on the items in their pockets).
Most elves wear boots, although some females wear flats or heels.
Formal Clothing[]
Females wear very extravagant gowns usually decorated with jewels of some sort. Males wear very fancy jerkins and pants. Both Noble males and Noble females wear elaborate capes to signify their status.
Formal clothing is normally worn in noble cities, such as Atlantis. Capes are usually worn in Noble cities, but not always in others. Capes are a sign of Nobility.
Foxfire Uniforms[]
Females wear a long-sleeve shirt (black or white), a vest (level color), a plaid, pleated skirt (black or white/level color) and leggings (black or white). Their capes are the color of their Foxfire level, and they have a family crest on them and are held together by a level pin.
Males wear a long-sleeve shirt (black or white), a vest (level color), and pants (level color). Their capes are the color of their Foxfire level, and they have a family crest on them and are held together by a level-themed pin.
It can be assumed that elves are allowed to wear their own shoes.
In PE, all elves wear a tunic (level color), black leggings, and black sneakers.
Exillium Uniforms[]
Exillium uniforms used to cover the body completely, including masks, hoods, and ability pins. The cloaks were heavy to block the cold of some Exillium campsites, and also itchy and uncomfortable. Once Councillor Oralie was contacted, Exillium started changing and the masks became optional; it is likely there were other changes as well.