Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki
Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki

Dwarves are fuzzy brown creatures. They are one of the five intelligent creatures the elves have signed treaties with.

They're rarely seen above ground because the light is far too bright for them. They have exceptional tunneling abilities, and can also sense Magsidian, a rare mineral they mine from the deepest recesses of the earth, which has many important properties. As of Flashback, there are 30 dwarves working for the Neverseen, and an unknown number of dwarves with the Black Swan.

The dwarven capital is Loamnore.


“A brown, hairy creature with a pointed snout, bulbous nose, and squinty eyes pulled itself the rest of the way out of the ground and held up a flask that looked to be made from the same black crystal as the stone that had leaped them there.”

—Narration, in Exile


King Enki is the former leader of the dwarves, having been replaced as of Legacy. He represented the dwarves at the Peace Summit in Lodestar. His crown is carved from a single piece of tredgeon carapace. King Enki is bald, as Edaline points out to Sophie in Lodestar at the Peace Summit, that the dwarves' culture requires their king to wax himself bare.

In Legacy, King Enki made a deal with the Neverseen, resulting in him being overthrow.

Known Dwarves[]


“Grady had told her once that the most recent census showed only three hundred and twenty-nine dwarves on the entire planet—and that was before thirty went missing, and others were lost on the battle on Mount Everest.”

—Narration, in Legacy

“The dwarves are a vital resource. Without them, we never would've been able to rebuild so quickly after the Neverseen's attacks.”
