Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki
Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki
Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki
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Dex and Linh is the romantic and/or platonic pairing of Dex Dizznee and Linh Song.

Pairing Names[]

  • Linx (Lin/h and De/x)
  • Denh (De/x and Li/nh)
  • Dinh (D/ex and L/inh
  • Linter (Lin/h and Dex/ter)
  • Lex (L/inh and D/ex)
  • Delin (Lin/h and De/x)
  • Lindex (Lin/h and Dex)
  • Linex (Lin/h and D/ex)


Book 4: Neverseen[]

  1. Dex, as well as Fitz stare at Linh in amazement when they are first introduced to her. Dex is possibly interested in her.
  2. Dex says "Wow" every time Linh does a water trick throughout the book.
  3. Tam and Linh steady Dex after he finds out that Alvar was one of his kidnappers.

Book 6: Nightfall[]

  1. Dex is amazed at Linh yet again for collecting water from the air and splashing Tam in the face.
  2. Linh pulls out a chair for Dex after he collapses from Sophie's enhancing.
  3. Linh is having to walk up a narrow staircase while wearing heels, and Dex puts his hands on her shoulders to steady her.
  4. Tam jokes, “You getting handsy with my sister, Dizznee?” and Dex jerks away from Linh.

Similarities and Differences[]


  • They are both elves.
  • They both have attended Exillium at one point.
  • They both have made mistakes in the past that they regret.
  • They both would have had the same social problems due to their families having multiple births.
  • They both work with the Black Swan.
  • They are both friends with Sophie.
  • They both have at least one sibling.
  • They are both only on one book cover.
  • They both have a brother.


Main Character Ships

Pairings with Sophie Elizabeth Foster

BianaLinh and BianaLinhDexFitzTamKeefe and FitzJensiKeefeMarellaValin

Pairings with Fitzroy Avery Vacker (a.k.a. Fitz)

DexKeefeLinhSophieMarellaKeefe and SophieDex and KeefeTam

Pairings with Biana Amberly Vacker

SophieDexTamMarellaJensiKeefeLinhLinh and SophieLinh and Marella

Pairings with Dexter Alvin Dizznee (a.k.a Dex)

SophieBianaTamKeefeLinhFitzMarellaStinaFitz and Keefe

Pairings with Marella Adene Redek

SophieTamBianaKeefeLinhDexJensiFitzStinaLinh and Biana

Pairings with Keefe Sencen

SophieTamMarellaDexBianaFitzLinhSophie and FitzDex and Fitz

Pairings with Tam Dai Song


Pairings with Linh Hai Song

SophieMarellaDexBianaFitzSophie and BianaKeefeBiana and Marella

Side Character Ships

Pairings with elves

Alden and AlinaAlden and DellaBrant and JolieElwin and PhysicGrady and EdalineCassius and GiselaOralie and KenricQuinlin and PhysicTiergan and PrenticeDella and AlinaDella and LivvyTiergan and PrenticeForkle and Tiergan

Pairings With Other Species

Bo and RoCad and RoLur and MityaSandor and GrizelSilveny and Greyfell
