This category is for elvin books, a.k.a. books encountered throughout the series, like Foxfire textbooks.
Ability Pins ♦ Alkahest ♦ Amnesty ♦ Amoebas ♦ Archetype ♦ Blitzenberry Muffins ♦ Boo Boo ♦ Brattails ♦ Buff Stuff ♦ Burp Blaster ♦ Butterblasts ♦ Chasers ♦ Cheeky ♦ Cimmerian ♦ Cravettels ♦ Crush Cuffs ♦ Crystal Powder ♦ Curdleroots ♦ Curly-Dew ♦ Custard Bursts ♦ Dimmetines ♦ DNA Strip ♦ Dreamlilies ♦ Drooly Dew ♦ Duskitine ♦ E.L. Fudges ♦ Edible Lip Gloss ♦ Ethertine ♦ Fizzleberry Wine ♦ Flavored Air ♦ Fluffcreams ♦ Garden gnomes of Mr. Forkle ♦ Gashrooms ♦ Gurgle Gut ♦ Hollowthistle ♦ Hush Slush ♦ Indigoobers ♦ Indurite ♦ Keefe's Paintings ♦ Kernalfruit ♦ Krakie ♦ Lady Sassyfur ♦ Lodestar (disambiguation) ♦ Lodestar Mirror ♦ Lord Cassius Statue ♦ Lumenite ♦ Lushberry Juice ♦ Magsidian ♦ Mallowmelt ♦ Midterms ♦ Nightfall ♦ Shadowflux ♦ Starstones ♦ Sucker Punch Glove ♦ Troll Hives
An Insider's Guide to Pyrokinesis ♦ The Elemental Guide to Conjuring and Translocation ♦ The Heart of the Matter ♦ Twenty-Five Ways to Catch the Wind
Ability Restrictor ♦ Abrasion Persuasion ♦ Absolutely Auburn ♦ Addler ♦ Atmospheric Stabilizer ♦ Body Warmer ♦ Brown-Eye Solidari-Tea ♦ Caches ♦ Cognate Rings ♦ Deducter ♦ DNA Strip ♦ Effluxers ♦ Elvin Crutches ♦ Elvin Inventions ♦ Enhancing Blocker ♦ Evader ♦ Fade Fuel ♦ Fart a la Carte ♦ Fire-Resistant Clothes ♦ Floof ♦ Fluctuator ♦ Foxfire Entrance Exam ♦ Freckle Juice ♦ Fuzzy Fizz ♦ Greenleaf Elixir ♦ Hairoids ♦ Home Crystal ♦ Imparters ♦ Ionic Booster ♦ Leaping Crystals ♦ Leapmaster ♦ Lexicons ♦ Liquid Amber Eyes ♦ LovelyLocks ♦ Lufterator ♦ Lusters ♦ Melder ♦ Memory Log ♦ Mermaid-Tiger Delight ♦ Mineral Bath ♦ Nexuses ♦ Null ♦ Obscurers ♦ Panic Switch ♦ Pathfinder ♦ Pus Powder ♦ Registry Pendant ♦ Riddlers ♦ Sea See ♦ Sedatives ♦ Sense Blasters ♦ Shadowpainter ♦ Silencer ♦ Spectral Mirrors ♦ Spyball ♦ Starstones ♦ Stellarscope ♦ Stink Bombs ♦ Stink Shrink ♦ Sucker Punch ♦ Tanny Fanny ♦ Temporary Leaping Crystals ♦ The Twiggler ♦ The Warden ♦ Thinking Caps ♦ Tracking Devices ♦ Treasury Cube ♦ Vortinator
Bitey ♦ Boo Boo ♦ Bun-Bun ♦ Caches ♦ Capes ♦ Cheeky ♦ Circlet ♦ Cognate Rings ♦ Crush Cuffs ♦ Deducter ♦ Ella ♦ Emotional Support Stuffed Animals ♦ Family Crest Pins ♦ Fluffy ♦ Happy Shadow Thoughts Tunic ♦ Harry the Jackalope ♦ Imparters ♦ Keefe's Brown Journal ♦ Keefe's Gold Journal ♦ Keefe's Green Journal ♦ Keefe's Silver Journal ♦ Key to Foxfire ♦ Krakie ♦ Lady Sassyfur ♦ Long Shot ♦ Lusters ♦ Match Lists ♦ Memory Log ♦ Mood Candy ♦ Mr. Snuggles ♦ Mrs. Stinkbottom ♦ Neverseen Cloaks ♦ Nexuses ♦ Panakes ♦ Panakes Perfume ♦ Panic Switch ♦ Pooplosion ♦ Prattles ♦ Riddlers ♦ Scaley Butt ♦ Sir Splashyhugs ♦ Sophie Survival Kit ♦ Sophie's Beaded Necklace ♦ Sophie's Charm Bracelet ♦ Sophie's Disneyland Watch ♦ Sophie's iPod ♦ Sophie's Scrapbook ♦ Sophie's Sparkly Pink Journal ♦ Sparkly Cat Statue ♦ Splendors ♦ Stinky the Stegosaurus ♦ Sucker Punch ♦ The Stink ♦ Treasury Cube
Abrasion Persuasion ♦ Achey-Break ♦ Awesomesauce ♦ Bennu ♦ Bilepods ♦ Blister Blast ♦ Bruise Cruise ♦ Callowberries ♦ Clarifava ♦ Elixirs ♦ Fade Fuel ♦ Fathomlethe ♦ Hairoids ♦ Jaculus Venom ♦ Kelpie Dung ♦ Kelpie Urine ♦ Limbium ♦ Manticore Venom ♦ Marrow Regenerator ♦ Medicine ♦ Mineral Bath ♦ Panakes ♦ Phoenix Sweat ♦ Piquatine ♦ Pooka Pus ♦ Pooplosion ♦ Scratches 'n Splits ♦ Sedatives ♦ Slumberberry Tea ♦ Somnalene ♦ Squelchberries ♦ Sugarbelles ♦ Voracillius ♦ Wound Wipe ♦ Yeti Pee ♦ Youth
Abrasion Persuasion ♦ Absolutely Auburn ♦ Achey-Break ♦ Blister Blast ♦ Body Warmer ♦ Brown-Eye Solidari-Tea ♦ Bruise Cruise ♦ Buff Stuff ♦ Burp Blaster ♦ Curly-Dew ♦ Fade Fuel ♦ Fart a la Carte ♦ Floof ♦ Freckle Juice ♦ Frissyn ♦ Fuzzy Fizz ♦ Greenleaf Elixir ♦ Hairoids ♦ Liquid Amber Eyes ♦ LovelyLocks ♦ Macho-Macho ♦ Mermaid-Tiger Delight ♦ Nogginease ♦ Phoenix Sweat ♦ Raven LovelyLocks ♦ Reekrods ♦ Scratches 'n Splits ♦ Sea See ♦ Stink Bombs ♦ Stink Shrink ♦ Tanny Fanny ♦ Wound Wipe
Effluxers ♦ Goblin Throwing Stars ♦ Hope ♦ Ionic Booster ♦ Long Shot ♦ Melder ♦ Null ♦ Shadowflux ♦ Shamkniv ♦ Sucker Punch ♦ The Warden ♦ Tracking Devices ♦ Weapons
All items (4)